9/28/2016 – Hyattsville, MD – The Hyattsville CDC is pleased to announce that the artist team, led by Charles Bergen, was selected as the final design after a competitive jurying process for the ARTways Trail Signage project. The team will receive a commission of $35,000.00 to design and fabricate 3 pilot signage pieces, to be placed at various locations along the Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail.
The concept design proposed a steel structure shaped like trolley tracks, with room to accommodate 2-sided information signage, possible public art and/or storage capacity, and a decorate steel and aluminum medallion acting as a branding marker and identifier.
The sculptural signage will greet visitors and commuters along the Trolley Trail – providing valuable wayfinding and customized local information. HCDC will work with the municipalities along the trail, as well as regional organizations, to determine the content of the informational signage.
HCDC would like to thank all of the artists who prepared submissions, and thank our jury for their time and expertise in reviewing the designs. This project is funded in part by the Maryland Heritage Area Authority.
For more information about the project, visit the project home page.