
Here you can find information and documents regarding sector and district plans and their implementation.

The City of Hyattsville encompasses about 2.18 square miles or 1,395 acres. The predominant land use, covering approximately 930 acres (66% of the total land area), is residential. Low-density residential land uses, primarily single-family detached dwelling units, are interspersed with medium- and high-density residential land uses providing a variety of housing types with few choices The Lustine Centerin-between.

There are several redevelopment opportunities on vacant or underutilized land within the City. Vacant and underutilized lands account for about 100 acres, or 7% of the Citys total land area. Large parcels along US Route 1, including the former City Hall site (one block west of US Route 1) and Lustines former auto showroom property, present significant opportunities for new residential and commercial development. In addition, large parcels of undeveloped land exist adjacent to the West Hyattsville Metro Station and in the Hamilton Street triangle area (near Queens Chapel and Ager Roads and Hamilton Street). –City of Hyattsville Community Legacy Revitalization Plan


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